Erts' Blog

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Business Card Concept and Parking Fines

MUSHI MUSH!!! i think that's a greeting in japanese, i've seen it in Mr.Baseball the best baseball movie featuring Tom Selleck bar none. Okay what's been happening with the Ert Ert...hmm well i got a parking fine when i was at the gym on tuesday, just my luck, start going back to the gym, trying to do well and Bam! i get a bloody ticket. $175...$175 doesn't that seem a little excessive for a parking infringement?? Anyway, have an exam next week on word processing, i know, i should pass but what if i fail word processing!? I'll be ostrisized by my peers at tafe, shunned by society....if you can tell, i'm a little nervous. oh well, as the Blue Oyster Cult would say, don't fear the reaper. Jeez i've blabbed on for a bit, I'm posting a business card design for my business...(one day) it still has some tweaking but i'm liking it. Goin out on the weekend with me buddies, should be fun.

See you next post...


Blogger Andrew said...

Cheers! I like the new business card, looks stylish! :P

Watch the movie tonight!!

See you at TAFE!

6:13 PM  

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