Erts' Blog

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Book Cover

We all had to design a book cover for a book, made up or real, for class in TAFE. I did it on ofcourse Batman. I wanted it to look not-comicsy. I like the way it turned out. (The colours are all wrong, and i don't know why)
I was wrestling with my brother yesterday for about 10 minutes straight, i stopped cos i was so buggered and felt like i was about to pass out...i really need to get back in shape!...starting now!..ok well i'm eating Mint Slices as i'm writing this post....ok finished....starting now!!

See you next post...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone, i don't believe in the holiday but i do believe in chocolate! I think i ate too much, my belly is growing at an alarming rate. I'll work it off with...well i wont be doing too much exercise while i'm on holidays unless you consider playing xbox 360 as exercise...exercise for the brain? anyway i'm posting some quick doodle-esque things i did on my last class for Huseyin, our Design Teacher at TAFE. I did them on a drawing tablet on the computer, my first time using it so i think it's not a bad effort for a quick sketch.
See you next post...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Mock up

Hurt my arm last night at jiu-jitsu, i was wrestling the instructor and may have accidently kneed him in the groin and kicked him in the face, accidently ofcourse. Well he slapped an armbar on me but good and my arm will be hurtin for the next few days. Here's a mockup of a goodguys ad. It's boring but then again aren't they all.
See you next post...

Monday, April 03, 2006

Last week until holidays!

The holidays are a comin! Exam tomorrow, just finished my final drawing for art which i'm posting, i've been playing alot of xbox 360. Watched V for Vendetta last week, excellent movie. Hugo Weaving...genius.
See you next post...