Erts' Blog

Monday, July 03, 2006

Superman Returns

Hi everyone,
I watched Superman Returns a couple of days ago, and must say i liked it. Special effects are really good. At first i was very suspect of the actor who plays the man of steel but, i think he did pretty well. You can tell they told him to play it like Christopher Reeves. If you haven't seen it yet, go watch it. The part where he stops the plane is worth the ticket price alone.

In commemoration to the movie i'm posting another of my drawings and guess what? yep its of Superman.

See you next post...


Blogger Andrew said...

neat work dude! enjoying your holidays?? i'm still waiting for my new phone :P - should have it by the end of this week! YAY! :D *jumps up and down with excitment*

1:28 PM  

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