Erts' Blog

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Video, Soccerroos, Origin and Exams

Hi everyone, you may recall last post about how much work i had to hand in. Well i'm please to say that i handed in all my art, was a little confused about the mark i got, but i didnt mention anything so c'est la vie. Had 2 exams today on coding HTML, i think i did pretty well, especially on the second one.
I have tomorrow off, so will be doing work all day. I still have to complete:

a powerpoint presentation on copyright
a report on a workshop we did
2 exams on friday
a diary cover and a website design.

Now on to the soccerroos. They played really well against brazil, blew a couple of really good chances and ended up losing 2-0, but tis ok cos we're gonna beat croatia and proceed to the final 16s.

The bloody queenslanders smashed us in the state of origin last week so i'm not going to go too into it, i believe the final game is on in a couple of weeks and i will post a review on the game then.

Im posting the final assignment i did for conceptual skills that was due today, which i started last night, and finished around 4:30am. I'll post my art stuff soon

See you next post...


Blogger Andrew said...

TAFE work is not important .. no wait - TAFE work is not AS important as the World Cup!

Go Portugal! Go England! Go Australia! .... yeh - that is all.

4:32 PM  
Blogger FeE said...

go the green and gold!! good game against brazil. you know who is good? fernando torres!!! yum!!

i wont comment on the origin
(we smashed you!! hehe)

8:34 PM  

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